Monday, 30 September 2013

National Minimum Wage - New Rates

The National Minimum Wage rise comes into effect on 1 October 2013.

The regulations increase the hourly rate of the National Minimum Wage (NMW) as follows:

• For adults aged 21 years and older the NMW rises to £6.31 (a rise of 12p) .

• The rate for apprentices under the age of 19 or in the first year of their apprenticeship increases to £2.68 (a rise of 3p).

• The rates for 18-20 year olds increases to £5.03 (a rise of 5p) and

• The rate for workers above the school leaving age but under 18 increases to £3.72 (a rise of 4p).

The maximum daily amount for living accommodation, which counts towards pay for NMW purposes (the accommodation offset), is increased to £4.91 (a rise of 9p).

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

PAYE payment dates for September

We would like to remind employers about electronic PAYE payment dates. The due date for electronic PAYE payments is the 22nd of the month and a payment on the day usually suffices.

However, where the due date falls on a non-banking day (weekend or bank holidays) HMRC must have cleared funds by the last bank working day before the 22nd. This advice is particularly relevant this month i.e. for electronic payments due on 22 September 2013 which this year falls on a Sunday. This month’s electronic payments must therefore clear HMRC’s bank account by Friday 20 September 2013.

Electronic payments sent using the Faster Payments Service (FPS) are able to clear into HMRC’s account on a non banking day - a Saturday, Sunday and most Bank Holidays. The service enables electronic payments to be made and processed in hours rather than days.

Payments made by cheque should be posted to reach HMRC by 19 September 2013.


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Gareth Stokes

t: 023 8023 4222


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